Babies, Brains And The Pelvis: A Story Of Evolution

Caesarean-section deliveries are changing the way our bodies and brains are evolving. No, this is not sci-fi. It’s the present.
Caesarean-section deliveries are changing the way our bodies and brains are evolving. No, this is not sci-fi. It’s the present.
… Read moreThe move to render illegal a large chunk of the currency in circulation has plunged sections of the Indian population into terrible suffering. The supporters of demonetisation refuse to acknowledge this pain, veering instead towards a Social Darwinism that ignores empathy.
Cuba’s Communist revolutionary was a bigot, a tyrant and a murderer. But if eulogies are to be believed, he was none of the above
Hypocrisy may not yet have a gene cluster associated with it unlike homosexuality but it runs the world, providing charlatans an element of self-respect, allowing them to grow their tribe.
… Read moreHow could the leader of a rising superpower not see the chaos that would follow demonetisation?
This is the first part of the five-part series on demonetisation.
“And in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath.
… Read moreThe great outdoors stink, meanwhile the Bengalis are happy excelling indoors
India wallows in shit and Kolkata is still its capital. It is a city best suited for the metamorphosed Gregor Samsa, a million crumbling horrors to emerge from and hide in, and an equal number of gutters to call home.
… Read moreThis year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry is a testament to the romance of Science.
This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to
Jean-Pierre Sauvage (University of Strasbourg, France), James Fraser Stoddart (Northwestern University, USA), and Bernard Lucas Feringa (University of Groningen, the Netherlands), for their pioneering work in constructing Molecular Machines.
… Read moreIn 2013, five Dalit women were raped every day. Crimes against Dalits rose by 19% in 2014-2015. What needs to happen for us to change this reality?
When your cupboard is full of skeletons, and you open it, what emerges first is just sound.
… Read moreSo many promises and so few visionary steps. India is being ill-served by her Minister of Human Resource Development
If a week is a long time in politics, two years is an eternity. The Modi Sarkar that promised Achche Din for 1.2 billion Indians is yet to come true on its promise.
… Read moreTo understand what a remarkable man he was, let’s rewind to BR Ambedkar’s childhood
Science and scripture — both have it in them to not only alter the world, but also to destroy it. In 1891 were born two men who understood this perfectly and who discovered, through life’s journey, this fundamental truth.
… Read moreA chat with Anupam Kher in sun-soaked Karachi at the Karachi Literary Festival by our intrepid reporter
He is the man of the moment, a man Indians love and the Indian government hates. Anupam Kher, 60 years young, an actor, an activist, a human rights campaigner, is facing the heat.
… Read moreLaying siege to hotels, targeting unsuspecting students is part of this dreaded terror organisation’s modus operandi.
When clues don’t emerge, biases do.
Wars don’t end that easily, and peace doesn’t last that long. Mizoram is an exception. It deserves our attention, and so does its history.
Vandana Shiva vs GM Foods – examining the battle lines and fallouts of this war.
Vandana Shiva is a chain reaction that cannot be stopped. It can only be witnessed from a safe distance. The process of achieving critical mass was a slow and arduous one and to understand it one has to go back to her formative years in activism.
… Read moreDelhi doesn’t need condemning; those who hold in their hands its future do.
For an article that talks in excruciating detail of the cataclysmic effect of Delhi’s air, Harris Gardiner quotes but a single scientific study.
The release of the Henderson-Brooks report was in national interest when the BJP was in opposition, but not when they are in power.
Faulty and misinformed journalism is leading us to believe that Christians are under attack in India.
A look at what has changed in land acquisition law from 1894 to 2015.
Dharna clouds are hanging low. Thunder from the loudspeakers, lightning from the cameras. Except that this time around it has nothing to do with the Aam Aadmi Party.
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