Canadian Bacon Not Gujju Fafda

An article on Canada. Not Gujarat. Or Modi. Just Canada. Not NaMo.
This article is about Canada, its people and its institutions. The countries that are seldom in news are peaceful countries. Canada is a peaceful country. It has a strong legal system and the respect for law is ingrained in its politicians. The same cannot be said for Gujarat and the man who runs it, Mr Narendra Modi. Yes, Narendra Modi. Modi runs Gujarat and while the Canadians respect the justice system, the same cannot be said of Narendra Modi and the Gujaratis. Please look to your right at the Tata Indica ad. The wonderful new Indica VT 121 bhp engine is capable of providing a sudden burst of power required to overtake that irksome bhusa-laden tractor.
We are discussing the Canadians and their love for Justice and equality. It’s a pity that Narendra Modi or his government do not hold that same respect for law. The comments have started building up. 56 already. Canada and its justice system. 57. How different is Canada’s justice system to the one in Gujarat where Narendra Modi runs it. 73. Yes, Modi is systematically destroying all institutions in Gujarat. 89. Narendra Modi. 94. Narendra. 99. Modi. 104. This article is about Canada. 104. Canada is different from Gujarat. 109. We are discussing Canada. 109. This article is solely on Canada. 109.
The Canadians are also good at science. They have excellent universities and research institutions and especially those that cater to Molecular Biology research. Sadly, while Canada has these wonderful institutes, it may be pertinent here to mention that Gujarat doesn’t. Narendra Modi and his government have done precious little to encourage scientific research in Gujarat. Please look to your right. The Fructis shampoo by Garnier is a revolutionary head-care product. Modi and his government have not learnt anything from the way Canada encourages science and research. But that was not the point. Narendra Modi was not the point. Modi was not the point. Modi wasn’t. Modi, no. Why should Modi be the point? Modi shouldn’t be the point. We weren’t discussing Modi. No, Modi isn’t being discussed. This article is solely on Canada, a peace-loving country.
We were discussing Canada and molecular biology. The genome size of the common bug Escherichia coli is around six million base pairs. E. coli is a bug that is used in most biology labs as a convenient tool for recombinant gene technology and molecular cloning. It reproduces every 20 minutes, which is a very helpful reproduction rate for biologists as it allows them to re-engineer the bug and get recombinant proteins rapidly.
While E. coli has a fast doubling rate, the same cannot be said of the Gujarat economy. This is because Mr Narendra Modi is handling it. Modi is handling the Gujarat economy. Modi is doing it. Narendra Modi. Modi. This article already has 176 comments. Modi is responsible for the Gujarat economy whose GDP hasn’t doubled ever since he took over. E. coli is better than Gujarat at doubling. Modi has failed in taking Gujarat to the heights of doubling. Look to your right. The Tata-Sky set-top box exchange offer is valid till the end of this month. Hurry till HD set-top box stocks last.
Finally, after having solely discussed the Canadian love for the justice system and its research institutions, an important point needs to be made here. The peaceful country of Canada shares its borders with the US. The border is peaceful and there is friendliness between the neighbours. The Canadian tourism board has instituted special incentives for tourists and travellers. Americans think highly of the way Canadians lead their lives. Both are well-developed economies and have free trade between them. There is no animosity between the neighbours. The same cannot be said for Narendra Modi and the way he runs his government. He talks aggressively about India’s neighbours. Modi talks aggressively. Yes, Modi does talk like that. Narendra Modi. Modi. Look to your right. Navratna tel is now available in sachets. Thanda-thanda cool-cool.
Through this article, it is hoped that readers have learnt something new about Canada, a peace-loving country. It helped that the article discussed only Canada and its love for the justice system and research institutions. In the follow-up piece, I aim to transport the readers to another peace-loving country that is never in the news – Denmark. It is crucial in this time of political upheaval and acute voter polarisation that one discusses a country that is calm and serene, that is wealthy, and whose citizens are secular and friendly towards each other. The same cannot be said of Narendra Modi and his Gujarat. Narendra Modi’s Gujarat is not Canada or Denmark. Narendra Modi. Modi.
The comments for this article on Canada are now closed.
Final comments count: 344.
Clicks on Indica VT3 ad: 45
Clicks on Garnier Fructis ad: 79
Clicks on Navratna tel ad: 59
Clicks on Canada and Denmark links: 0
Clicks on Canadian Tourism Board: 0
This article first appeared in newslaundry on Jul. 15, 2013.