TV Panellist Awards 2012

Mani Shankar Aiyar, Suhel, Jonathan, Renuka, Abhishek – they’re all recipients of the Best TV Panellist Awards.
When Fair Is Not So Lovely

Why aren’t movie-goers warned about the harmful effects of fairness creams, like they are about tobacco?
The Innocence Of Bal Thackeray

If you truly believe in the concept of justice, then Bal Thackeray is innocent of murderous crimes.
Hail Musharraf!

Pervez Musharraf – a war criminal the Indian media loves to fete.
A Perfect Ape

For the past two decades nothing has changed in Chennai. Is its perfection going to be its downfall?
Messed With Destiny

Strictly confidential South Block draft of Manmohan Singh’s Winter Session speech.
Judge Dread & The 12 Angry Men

Between Katju and foolish Indians, there are a dozen reasons why justice doesn’t stand much of a chance.
Hard Facts and Soft Copies

Does Newsweek’s closure as a print magazine portend bleak times for other print news magazines as well?

There is money to be made everywhere, even during the Dengue hysteria that hits Delhi every year. Read on.
The Fall And Rise Of Kejriwal

Kejriwal vs Vadra. Less about real estate, more about the Fourth Estate. And the latter doesn’t come out looking too good.
Electric China – Part II

Capitalism coated with some token Communism. Is China a shining example for India?
Electric China – Part I

Prabhudeva in Tianjin. Han bao. And a state channel which can teach Doordarshan a thing or two. Welcome to China!
Shuffling The Deck

Why is a lawyer a Finance Minister, a bailiff a Home Minister, and an economist a Forest Minister?
Not Just A Pretty Face

Manish Tewari – wordsmith, ulcer-buster, his master’s voice. We love you like we hate you.
In The Heat Of The Night

In the dead of night, a parallel TV industry has sprung up for those who wish to lead parallel lives.
16 Aug 12Laundry News-Alert
Stain on turban – Manmohan sues RoyalClean.
In a startling development, Shri Anand Sharma, the Union Textiles Minister held a late night press conference where he confirmed that RoyalClean, the oldest dry-cleaning shop in Delhi, was being sued for an undisclosed amount in damages.
… Read more 11 Aug 12Fab Four & The Stunt Doubles
Even Arnab, Rajdeep, Sagarika and Barkha need a break from rabble-rousing! Enter – the weekend doubles.
28 Jul 12The Year of The Election
2014 cometh. The golden year of ballot dreams. And public and media pardon.
20 Jul 12Bad News, I’m Afraid
When was the last time you heard good news? And remembered it?
09 Jul 12The Rat Eater
Extract from the author’s book, The Rat Eater, on a musahar and his family.blockquote